
Archive for the ‘Maine life’ Category

An Ode to Fall

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”  -George Eliot

Fall is by far my favorite season.  Right now we are having an Indian Summer (is that racist?  am I supposed to say a Native American Summer?).  It is like 80 degrees out today and hot and muggy.  I am over it.  I want the crisp air.  I want tights and cardigans and crunching leaves under my feet.  I  want apple cider and mums on the porch.  I want high school football games played under the lights. I want crock pots bubbling on a Sunday afternoon.  I want the tourists to leave the beaches.  I want fall camping, sleeping outside in layers and layers of clothes all warm and snuggled in my sleeping bag.  I  want to see color and smell the leaves as I walk in the woods.

Yellow mellow, ripened days… Beauteous, golden Autumn days.

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Last week all of our snow was melting. Buried dog toys and bones were popping up all over the place, remnants from last Fall that were lost due to the 80+ inches of snow we got this winter. In a moment of wishful thinking I switched over my clothes and packed away the big bulky sweaters, wool skirts, etc and busted out my spring wardrobe- the brightly colored skirts, short sleeved shirts, lightweight cardigans. And then yesterday….

A foot of snow.

It is a mess. My driveway, which was a mud pit before the storm, is now a snow and mud pit. The plow guy came in and just tore the hell out of my lawn and driveway. It is going to be a major project to fix that up. A project involving rakes and grass seed and a lot of swearing on my part. The dogs no longer have any spots to go to the bathroom because everything is blocked by walls of plowed snow and dirt and mud.

I am forced to wear boots and tights again, items I was ready to give up for cute little flats and bare legs.

I am feeling a little negative about the whole situation… can you tell? So with that being said, here are some things to be happy and excited about:

1. I have officially signed up for the first two courses in my information and library science program. The journey has begun (or will begin May 31st, to be exact)

2. I have an interview on Monday, could be the start of something big, if all goes well.

3. I get to meet little baby Nora and inhale all that delicious baby smell.

4. April vacation is just around the bend.

5. The snow will melt, it will, it will.

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Ice Ice Baby

Yesterday we had rain and freezing rain all day long.  While my driveway is an absolute mess with a hard chunky 4 inch layer of ice covering it, my ride into work this morning sure was pretty.

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